Jackie Robinson Parkway Cypress Hills Cemetery West II

Jackie Robinson Parkway Cypress Hills Cemetery West II Image 0We're heading west towards the second of the two crumbling cemetery road overpasses spanning the Jackie Robinson, formerly known until 1997 as the Interborough Parkway. On many signs during those halcyon years, the Interborough was referred to as the Interboro Parkway. Even the U, G and H wanted nothing to do with this road, but the long dead Robinson wasn't available to protest the renaming.
Jackie Robinson Parkway Cypress Hills Cemetery West II Image 1 These infamous dead man curves have likely added their fair share, and more, to the late populations of the hallowed burial grounds surrounding them. The torture, however, is almost at an end for the curve weary motorists. One more curve to the right is coming up after this, followed by a fairly long straightaway, at least for the not so long Jackie Robinson.
Jackie Robinson Parkway Cypress Hills Cemetery West II Image 2This is the final curve for the westbound travelers, but the fun is just beginning for those heading east. Only a highway like the formerl Interborough Parkway could make people breath a sigh of relief to know they'll soon be leaving it for East New York, Ocean Hill Brownsville, or Bushwick. Despite the notorious reputation these neighborhoods collected over generations, entering them means leaving the parkway. After having to deal with these wearisome curves, traversing the gritty Brooklyn neighborhoods that the parkway leads to begin to look like the lesser of the evils.
Shot in October 1999.